Sunday, September 11, 2011

Turkish Terror Org IHH Suing Israeli soldiers for Mavi Marmara

Turkish terror organization IHH, which attempted to run Israel's legal blockade of Gaza in May 2010, claims that it has submitted a list of IDF soldiers who were involved in the Mavi Marmara raid to the Istanbul prosecutor's office, and, subject to verification by Turkish intelligence, they prosecutor will open cases against the soldiers involved (Hat Tip: Gershon D).
"We have presented a list of Israeli soldiers who gave the order for and who were involved in the attack on the Turkish flotilla to the Istanbul prosecutor's office," Ramazan Ariturk, lawyer for the group that organized the Gaza flotilla said.

The move came as the Istanbul Chief Prosecutor's Office appealed to the Turkish Intelligence Organization (MİT) in order to obtain information on the identities of the IDF soldiers who were involved in the raid which left nine Turks dead in May of last year, Turkish newspaper Zaman reported on Friday.

According the paper, an affirmative answer from MİT would allow the prosecutor to open court cases against Israeli officials including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, former IDF chief of General Staff Lt.- Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi , and the soldiers involved in the raid.

The charges would include the “willful murder and torture” and “limiting freedom” of the passengers, the paper reported.
How do they think they're going to haul any of these people into court? Surely, none of them will visit Turkey.posted by Carl in Jerusalem

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