Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Altered Our Lives

The infrastructure of my thinking, the basic premise of my very existence, lavish freedom, disintegrated with the Islamic attack on America, ten years ago today.
I always assumed my freedom. It was the air I breathed. I never questioned its permanence. "It's a free country" was my mantra as a child. And it was. I could do anything, be anything, say anything. Everything was possible.  That forever changed. And for the first time the unthinkable dawned on me, perhaps America was not forever. This never crossed my mind, ever, in the four decades of my life.
Everything changed. the American idea and all that that meant was under mortal threat from a brutal and oppressive ideology that hated everything we stood for and held dear - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
America, America, worth fighting for, worth dying for. I felt guilty I didn't know who had attacked my country. And when I found out, I felt guilty that I didn't why they attacked my country, my identity, my family. I spent the ensuing years studying Islam, Ibn Warraq, Bat Ye'or, Robert Spencer etc. The media was absent on jihad and increasingly I found myself on the net ......... the rest is history.
Ten years after the worst attack ever on the United States of America, join 911 family members, first responders, clergy, voices of freedom, patriots and freedom lovers from across the country and across the world pay our respects in a loving and fitting tribute, uncensored and true. The whitewash desecrates the memory of our war dead. Stand for truth. Stand for freedom. Stand with us.
Never forget. Join us as we honor the victims and rededicate ourselves to fighting for freedom on September 11 at West Broadway and Park Place at our 911 Freedom Rally. One 9/11 family member remarked: “I am looking forward to the rally. It is a place we can be free to really remember the who, why, when and where of 9/11. The morning ceremony” – that is, the official ceremony, from which clergy and 9/11 first responders – “is devoid of any meaning.” Pamela Geller

Wtc pit Wtc pit 

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