Thursday, September 8, 2011

Parents of Muslima Teen Charged with Murder

Honor killing should be a capital crime. In America they classify these murders as suicides, so as not to offend the Muslim community or incite "Muslim reprisals." That's how bad the islamization of America has  gotten.
This brave young girl's devout parents were finally charged with her honor killing -- it only took seven years to press charges, but Shafilea has been on Atlas's memorial wall for years.
The parents of murdered teenager Shafilea Ahmed have been charged with killing her, Cheshire Police said on Wednesday.
The 17-year-old's decomposed remains were discovered in Cumbria in February 2004 after she disappeared from her home in Warrington, Cheshire, in September 2003. She was the victim of a suspected honour killing.
South Cumbria coroner Ian Smith later recorded a verdict of unlawful killing, saying he believed the teenager was probably murdered.
Cheshire Police said today the teenager's father, Iftikhar, 51, and mother Farzana, 48, have been charged with murder and will appear at Halton Magistrates' Court, in Runcorn, later today.
The couple have always denied any involvement in their daughter's death.
Shafilea was a bright and intelligent young woman who wanted to go to university and become a lawyer, the inquest into her death was told.
Atlas Shrugs

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