Thursday, September 8, 2011

GOP Dumbs Down 2012 Voters in Record Numbers

Perry, like Bachmann, should be laughed out of office for his extreme beliefs and reliance on god to solve America’s problems, but he is not because a large segment of the population is absolutely stupid.
Besides their beliefs about an ancient Jewish deity speaking to them, both Bachmann and Perry are promoting policies that will condemn Americans to a life of poverty so corporations can continue raping the economic life out of working-class America. It is safe to say that their supporters will be affected most by their belief that Social Security is bad and the minimum wage is wrong. Obviously, the racist element plays a factor in their popularity, but even racists cannot subsist on less-than-minimum wages or no Social Security. Any American who supports or votes for Perry or Bachmann is voting against their own self-interest. It isn’t just this year that conservatives have voted against their own self-interests and it informs that there is a growing epidemic of voter stupidity.
There are numerous examples of poor, elderly voters advocating for more tax breaks for the rich and corporations even though they are barely subsisting on less than $800 a month from Social Security. Earlier this month, teabag leaders said their supporters would take economic hits, privatized Medicare, and lower wages that Republicans were promoting to bring the deficit under control. There is a point that survival should overcome stupidity, but this nation has become so tragically stupid that it is beginning to affect the entire population. One could excuse low intelligence, but it is difficult to excuse lack of common sense that is dooming every person in America. Of course, a major share of the blame is on main-stream-media that will not report to the masses the insane agenda Republicans are promoting so the wealthy can continue prospering.
There is no answer to the epidemic of stupidity among Republicans who support Bachmann and Perry. Their support among fanatic Christian extremists is one thing, but when main-stream Republicans are lining up to praise, contribute, and support the incredibly stupid candidates, there is a problem that will eventually doom America. Good economic policy can help the economy and create jobs, and sound science can lead to alleviating global climate change, but appealing to god, eliminating the minimum wage, and privatizing Social Security will never help the American people. America survived Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden, but it cannot survive rank stupidity from its own citizens. It is unfortunate, but Republicans count on Americans’ stupidity to win elections, and unless there is an interdiction of common sense and intelligence, this country is doomed. It is too bad the Founding Fathers did not prohibit stupid people from inhabiting this country because if they did, we would not be in the dire shape we find ourselves. - Politicus
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