Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stock Markets Value Coercion Over Greek Choice

Tuesday, November 01, 2011 – by Staff Report

Greece stokes euro debt fears, hits riskier assets ... Asian shares and commodities fell on Tuesday, after a shock announcement that Greece will hold a referendum on a new EU bailout deal for the debt-ridden country threw efforts to resolve the euro zone's debt crisis into fresh doubt. – Reuters

Dominant Social Theme: The markets are a good measure of what's going on. And they don't like the idea of a referendum. Therefore, we conclude the referendum is not a good idea. The Greeks should do what the Brussels Eurocrats tell them.
Free-Market Analysis: It is most interesting that stock markets reacted negatively to the idea that Greeks could decide their own future in terms of EU austerity measures. This is surely a dominant social theme – that the market renders unemotional verdict and decides in favor of the more successful reality. It does no such thing.
The global stock market, as created by the Anglosphere elites, is profoundly undemocratic and unfree. Having evolved amidst an ever more authoritarian order, today's markets and those who are influential in them have a vested stake in the current, wretched system. People speak of free markets – especially when it comes to equities – the bottom line is much different.
Daily Bell

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