Wednesday, November 2, 2011

China Runs Out of Money; Who Bails Out West?

Wednesday, November 02, 2011 – by Staff Report, Daily Bell

Companies' cash is drying up, with dire consequences for their workers ... Unpaid wages in China ... Efforts to curb inflation in China are having some painful side-effects. A squeeze on bank lending has prompted some businesses short of cash to stop paying wages to blue-collar workers. Even the much-vaunted state sector is feeling the pinch. Work has all but ground to a halt on thousands of kilometres of railway track, and many of the network's 6m construction workers have been complaining about not being paid for weeks or sometimes months. – Economist
Dominant Social Theme: One thing is for sure, the Chinese communists know how to run a capitalist economy and have done a helluva lot better job than Europe or America! Something about socialism really gives people the "smarts."
Free-Market Analysis: The editors of the Economist "newspaper" – who never met a tin-pot dictatorship or dictator that they couldn't find some way to praise – have apparently "hit a wall" when it comes to China. That great hope of capitalism (Communist China) is broke and heading for a hard landing.

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