Wednesday, October 5, 2011

As BHO Enters Death Spiral, Some Wait for Sarah

A Mensch for President
So glad that Christie withdrew from consideration for a Presidential run. Between his superior judgeship picks and his meltdown over "sharia crazies," it is a very good thing. A large majority of us are waiting on Sarah. As Obama's post-American world descends into a death spiral, her destiny becomes more clear and undeniable.
Ken Vogel and I both have sources telling us that calls were made on behalf of a mystery candidate to various early states to determine presidential filing deadlines.
The calls were made by representatives of the law firm Baker Hostetler - a firm that employs lawyer Mark Braden, who represents Sarah PAC, her political action committee.
As Ken notes, while he nor representatives of Palin’s campaign would comment on the calls, Palin is the only GOP politician eying the presidential race who is represented by the firm.
The current thinking in GOP election law circles is that the first hard cut-off for entering the race is Oct. 28, when presidential candidates who hope to appear on the ballot in the New Hampshire primary would be required to submit a filing fee from a federally registered presidential campaign committee.
There are millions of us waiting on Sarah. Millions. Go, Sarah, go! Run, Sarah, run!

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