Saturday, September 3, 2011

Perrybots Deny his Evil Doings with the Aga Khan

I am struck by the intellectual cowardice and dishonesty by some on the right, particularly when the same moralists hold themselves up as superior to the smear merchants and scoundrels on the left whose libels and lies mirror the behavior of the newly deputized Perry posse.
The recent nasty and creepy flamewar that broke out as a result of my exposing the Aga Khan/Perry curriculum is an extreme example of the hubris on the right. They seem to be  channeling that which they pretend to hold in the utmost contempt -- intellectual dishonesty despite the evidence, the concretes.
So unhinged and counter-intuitive are the Perrybots, they make the Paulians look ......... rational.
The big hitters in the right blogosphere criticizing my exposing the Khan/Perry curriculum cited an obscure blogger whose entire premise was false. The blogger used one teacher's lesson plan in a failed attempt to debunk my take on the entire curriculum as posted here.
Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

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