Saturday, September 3, 2011

The GOP Job Creation Notions for 2011 are Unchanged Since 1928

It's not surprising that nearly every “job creation” tactic thought up by the Republican party is corporate welfare barely even thinly disguised. What is surprising is how many of these ideas have been and may continue to be adopted by Democrats who fear the ideas that would actually work are politically untenable.
The elimination of the Bush era tax cuts would increase govt revenues by $295 billions. These could support an increase in employment of 8.2 millions and lower unemployment to 4.5%.
By executive order the POTUS could influence the Fortune 500 companies to resume their pre-recession levels of employment. Non compliance could be punishable as crimes against humanity.
Industry is sitting on $1.9 trillions of highly liquid assets [mostly treasuries]. Every effort should be made to shift these funds into productive investment.
Budget cuts in the military could raise the $295 billions required for job creation. The drawback is it doesn't reduce the deficit. Nothing is perfect.

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