"Why would a handful of wealthy central banking families want to impoverish the US and render its citizens penniless? "
That was the whole point of my web site, based on the 1889! book "The Great Red Dragon: Foreign Money Power in the United States." The premise is that a few financial sociopaths want to "own the earth in fee-simple." Because of Greece, we hear the words "orderly default." It has occurred to me that is EXACTLY what sociopathic banking families have done to our world. With their special privilege of creating money from thin-air, debt is their weapon of mass destruction. In order to satisfy debt, they get title. Why do they do this?
Sociopaths have little or no empathy nor conscience. They're aleady "dead." Of course, they breath and function at high levels of efficiency, but they sell out their children, families, neighbors and countrymen for a few dollars more. A person that doesn't know, when enough is enough, will never have enough. Even if they own the whole earth, they'd still be empty. Personally, I call them "blackholes.
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