Even the most religious extremist Zionist Jew isn't calling for the
genocide of all non-Jewish inhabitants of Biblical Israel, and in fact
nothing of the sort has happened. Nothing would change in that regard by
Arabs recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.
I can find plenty of Arab and Muslim quotes from the past century that
echo the most violent parts of the Bible - and the Koran, for that
matter - mostly against the very Jews that Nusseibeh is trying so hard
to paint as bigoted ethnic cleansers.
And this is a crucial point. In 1947, scared by the chance that the UN
would partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state, the Arab leaders
scrambled to come up with a plan for a single state where the Muslim
majority would treat its Jewish minority impeccably - which is, they
said, how they always had treated Jews. Yet immediately after the UN
vote - before the State of Israel was declared - Arabs attacked and
killed Jews in other Arab countries!
In fact, how Jews were treated by the Arabs in the 1940s and afterwards
is the major reason why a Jewish state is correct, moral and necessary.
The Jews of Arab countries at the time, whether they were Zionist or
not, were scapegoated and subjected to a reign of terror. Their only
recourse was to flee, penniless, to the new Jewish state.
Nusseibeh never deigns to mention why a Jewish state is necessary, why
the Jewish people have the right to self-determination as well as anyone
else does, why the existence of such a state could have saved millions
of lives in the 1940s. He uses tunnel vision to frame the argument in
terms of "rights" - but only Arab rights. The Jewish right to have a
physical nation as much as, or more than, any other people is completely
ignored. It is not an issue of Arab human rights - it is an issue of
competing human rights between two groups of people.
One of those groups claims to be part of a larger nation that stretches
across hundreds of millions of square miles across two continents. The
other has nowhere else to call home, has fervently wished to return to
its home for millennia, and indeed has rarely felt to be full citizens
of any other country that hosted them.
This is why Zionism is a moral expression of Jewish nationalism. As much
as possible, Zionist leaders have and continue to do everything
possible to give the most possible rights to non-Jewish citizens and
others under their control - up to the point of endangering the human
rights of Jews themselves. The line between the two exists and it
sometimes moves from one side to the other as Israeli leaders wrestle
with the difficult ethical issues of how to maximize human rights for
all - non-Jews and Jews alike. For the most part, they have been
spectacularly successful in finding the best way to balance the two, and
Arabs in Israel have far more rights than any Jews have ever had in
Arab countries.
There is one other point that Nussibeih pointedly ignores. All Arab
countries define themselves in their respective constitutions as Arab
countries, and almost all of them define themselves as Islamic
countries. The exact same arguments that Nussibeih posits here apply to
all of them, including "Palestine." If Israel calling itself a Jewish
state is so problematic, then every Arab country is on much weaker
rhetorical ground - especially since their discrimination against
non-Arabs and often against non-Muslims far outstrips the worst Israel
could be credibly accused of. Where are Nusseibeh's anguished articles
in Al Jazeera about how Arab countries need to stop being defined as
Arab and Muslim?
The article is high-minded, pseudo-intellectual, hypocritical claptrap.
Elder of Ziyon
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