Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You Won't hear this from Herman Cain

"The dominant media are no longer the mouthpiece of the moral majority and the gatekeeper of the status quo - they are now firmly on the side of the ultra wealthy and the mega corporations. How else to explain the media's contempt for reason and critical inquiry as they turn news into entertainment and the call for balance into a form of anti-intellectual drivel? At best, the dominant media attempt to neutralize the issue of class inequality, making it largely invisible. At worst, they serve as active accomplices in promoting class warfare through their embrace of neoliberal values and refusal to engage any serious issues that might reveal the terrible human and social costs of the class warfare now being waged by the rich."

-Henry A. Giroux, Truthout board member and author of "Zombie Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism"

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