Monday, October 17, 2011

Will We Jail SCOTUS on 1st Amendment Beef?

Cornel West, 14 Others Arrested In Front of Supreme Court For Peaceful Assembly

Cornel West and 14 others were arrested today in Washington DC on the steps of the Supreme Court building.  Their crime? Practicing their right to free speech and peaceful assembly as laid out by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, a document that the Supreme Court of the United States is sworn to strictly adhere to.
After speaking to a crowd of hundreds of people that have been occupying Washington DC’s Freedom Plaza since Oct. 6, West joined about 250 protesters on an impromptu march to the U.S. Supreme Court.  According to October 2011, the movement that organized the occupation of Freedom Plaza, West climbed the steps of the building and condemned the court for rulings that vested corporations with the power to buy our elections.
He was ultimately arrested for holding up a sign that read 'Poverty is the Worst Form of Violence' because “holding political signs on the Supreme Court steps is illegal”, which is the greatest contradiction of all.  The Supreme Court police are warning that they may hold West overnight because “he is from out of town and therefore they question whether he will return for his court appearance.” 
Tarak Kauff of Veterans for Peace, Ellen Davidson of the Indypendent newspaper, filmmaker Dennis Trainor, Jr. and Maria Allwine an independent political activist were arrested as well.
More details and updates can be found at the October 2011 website.  
By Rania Khalek | Sourced from AlterNet

Posted at October 16, 2011, 5:03 pm

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