Monday, October 3, 2011

Something to Read in Your Jail Cell

From the Occupied Wall Street Journal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The common criticism of the young people of  #occupywallstreet is they are nerds and idiots.
This opinion doesn't count for much. It is from adults already skewered, plucked and roasted by Wall Street.
Here is an example of what passes for adult thought.
History is not a tableau of "great men" acting on their instincts and intellect. The modern era has been one of directed history in which the great Anglo-American central banking families have used so-called leaders like puppets putting to work their vast money power to organize every aspect of history and culture for centralization and control.
Churchill, Stalin, Mao, Roosevelt – evidence increasingly emerging on the Internet shows that these individuals were picked for their roles and placed in their positions of power with malicious care. Was any of what occurred in the 20th century accidental? Or were the building blocks of world government set in place by shadowy men who never, ever revealed their carefully accumulated influence?
The goal, it seems, remains what it was – one government, one central bank, one army and one judicial system. The power over the globe and its peoples implied by this unspeakable vision, if one is wiling to accept and internalize it, is almost infinitely destructive. The concept reeks of genocide; its message, advertised by signage such as the Georgia Guidestones, is powered by the agony of billions.
It is an evil concept, a Satanic perspective pursued by an intergenerational familial elite that has been implementing this latest global conspiracy for maybe 300 years. The 20th century represented the apex of this effort, when mainstream religious, military and media dominance was at its height, and mind control and elite promotions were unchallengeable.
The turning point, of course, has nothing to do, especially, with the Daily Bell editorial, (or even with Kokesh or Alex Jones or Matt Drudge – courageous and evidently brilliant as they are). These are expressions of far more powerful and fundamental changes that we believe are reshaping our world and times. Human history is about slow, tectonic movements of culture, instinct and technology. Great forces seem to be changing our world and its "civilization" as we write.
Conclusion: It is true, however, that people can leverage these trends if they wish. Increasingly the alternative media gives voice to these truths. "Blaming Wall Street Is Wrong" was, for instance, a modest, if possibly timely, editorial. Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, Adam Kokesh and a million bloggers and website writers – and then hundreds of millions and even billions more – offer persuasive explanations of how the world really works in real time. A spectre haunts the world and its elites  ...
The Daily Bell

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