Saturday, October 15, 2011

#OWS Goes Global October 15th

  • NEW: Demonstrators take to the streets in London and Rome
  • Organizers say 951 cities in 82 countries are taking part
  • "We know we have it better than ... the States," a Melbourne organizer says
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(CNN) -- The Occupy Wall Street movement spilled onto main streets in Europe, Asia and Australia on Saturday as crowds chanted and marched in a global movement of discontent.
"People of the world, rise up on October 15th," said United for Global Change -- the central site for the international movement. "It's time for us to unite. It's time for them to listen."
The group said 951 cities in 82 countries will take part in the rallies after online organizers called for a worldwide rally.
People rallied in Europe, including the cities of London, Zurich and Rome.
In Japan, about 200 people marched through Tokyo carrying various signs, including "No More Nukes and "Free Tibet." The crowd included children jumping and skipping behind the adults. Some protesters wore costumes -- including a giant panda.
"I'm here because young Japanese people are suffering for losing their jobs, but not many speak out their issue to the public," said Kesao Murakami. "I really want to young people appeal forcefully to the public saying, 'We are in trouble.'' "
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In South Korea, Arthur Fragoso rallied with a small group outside a bank in Seoul. He said his protest is a solidarity move with the Occupy movement and not a reflection of any discontent against his government.
"We are protesting mostly for economic issues worldwide," he said. "We need to come up with ideas to solve the world problems."
In the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, about two dozen people -- some wearing masks -- gathered near the U.S. Embassy.
"We wanted to show that the American regime, its system of imperialism needs to be destroyed," said Rudi Daman, leader of the International League of Peoples' Struggle.
The group urged its chapters to stage a global day of action against "imperialist plunder, repression and war."
Australian cities of Melbourne and Sydney joined rallies against "corporate greed" as protesters aligned themselves with the global movement.
"Our protests are to show our solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and also protest various problems -- from indigenous issues in this country to government problems," said Alex Gard, one of the Melbourne organizers. "We know we have it better than the protesters in the States ... but there are still problems in this country."
Organizers urged protesters to bring sleeping bags and other soft items to sleep on.
"I've heard people say they plan to be there for days, even months," Gard said.
Organizers worldwide started social media pages on Facebook and Twitter devoted to "October 15" — #O15 on Twitter — urging protesters to join the global call for protests.
Protests were planned in other countries, including major cities in Kenya, South Africa, Britain, France, Russia, Mexico and Venezuela.
The worldwide movement is galvanized by the Occupy Wall Street movement started last month as a backlash against the economy and what demonstrators say is an out-of-touch corporate, financial and political elite.
Occupy Wall Street organizers say they are inspired by the Arab Spring that led to the toppling of regimes in Tunisia and Egypt.
The founding movement in the United States has spread to other major cities in the nation.
CNN's Junko Ogura and Kathy Quiano contributed to this report

1 comment:

  1. The Occupy Wall St. movement spread overseas Saturday, with demonstrators taking to the streets in cities in Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. About 200 people turned out in Tokyo, while protests are also planned in Australia, Britain, France, Kenya, South Africa, Russia, Mexico, and Venezuela. The movement’s central site, United for Global Change, says 951 cities in 82 countries will participate in rallies. Bankers, however, don’t seem to be taking the protests very seriously in private. “Most people view it as a ragtag group looking for sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll,” one hedge-fund manager tells The New York Times. A bank executive says it’s “fringe groups” while a money manager calls them “just disgruntled people.” The money manager is particularly angry at New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand for not coming to their defense, despite Wall Street’s generous campaign contributions: “They need to understand who their constituency is.”
