Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Chicago Joins Destroy Israel Anti-war Peace March

Obama-Endorsed #OccupyChicago Incites Genocide ‘Destroy Israel’ Anti-war, Anti-America Revolution

Rashid Khalidi, Obama's long time brother in the war against freedom, is leading an "occupy" movement in Chicago. The LA Times still refuses to release the video of Obama's remarks at this notorious Jew-hater's dinner a few years back. The word is that his remarks were so divisive and ugly that it would have destroyed his election chances in 2008. Which is why the uber-left LA Times refused to release it.
The left/Islamic alliance unleashed.
OccupyChicago Joins ‘Destroy Israel’ Anti-war, Anti-America ‘Peace’ March by Rebel Pundit
In our continuing coverage from last Saturday’s anti-war protest and march organized by the left-wing ANSWER Coalition, Code Pink, and the Gay Liberation Network, we have more alarming video to share. Alarming, but not surprising, given our footage of the same groups’ joint demonstration last March.
Organizers and protesters from Occupy Chicago joined these groups and provided support to last Saturday’s anti-war gathering. The protest carried a strong anti-Israel/anti-America message, a theme that both served as a rallying cry for the day and, more ominously, a call to action for the organization of massive demonstrations in Chicago next May during the G-8 and Nato summit. Bringing more socialist economics to the United States, was also high on the agenda for the day.
Hatem Abudayyeh, a local pro-Palestinian agitator, rose to stage to address the crowd regarding Israel and American imperialism. He referred to Benjamin Netanyahu as a “fool” for his recent address to the U.N. General Assembly, and cheered the effectiveness of the global boycott and divestment in Israel, which he said was successfully putting a “dent in Israel’s indemnity over Palestine and the Arab world.” During the speech, members of the radical left-wing Jewish Voice for Peace, an organization on which noted socialist Noam Chomsky happens to sit on the board, passed out flyers that read at the top, “Be a Passivist (sic), be a Nonviolent Activist, Refuse to Pay Taxes, Destroy Israel!”

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