Thursday, October 13, 2011

The latest ploy to disrupt OWS

Mayor Bloomberg has reacted to the promised Muslim massive infiltration of the OWS site by closing it for clean up. He has ordered all sleeping equipment permanently out of Zuccotti Park. In effect, he has cancelled the Tahir Square tactic of 24/7 occupation. This act violates the demonstrators' Constitutional Right to Assemble.
For years, the GOP, Wall Street and Muslims have worked to subvert and to scuttle the American Way of Life. They seek power over 99% of Americans by crushing anyone such as the OWS who dares to oppose them.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:58 AM, Ian Thomas <> wrote:
Ian Thomas has left a new comment on your post "Muslims Call for Massive Disruption of #OWS":

Looks like the Muslim community is supporting OWS, not disrupting it. There appears to be much bias against the Muslim community in this article. I checked out the facebook pages you listed and found much different pictures listed. I urge all to check out the facebook pages and posts of the creators. I hear the pain and hurt of the Palistinian and Israeli people and can comprehend anger on either side, though I believe empathy and compassion yield better results.

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