Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Keith Olbermann | Marine Corps Veteran Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Occupy Times Square, Veterans’ Rights | Truthout

Keith Olbermann | Marine Corps Veteran Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Occupy Times Square, Veterans’ Rights | Truthout
Marine Corps Veteran Sgt. Shamar Thomas Discuses Occupy Times Square and the Role of Veterans' Rights Within the Economic Justice Movement (Video)
Keith Olbermann, Countdown: Made famous by his poignant message to police while protesting at New York's Occupy Time Square, Marine Corps Veteran Sgt. Shamar Thomas speaks with Keith Olbermann about the role of veterans' rights within the occupy movement.

1 comment:

  1. Siemper Fi Sgt Thomas ....this old busted up Marine would be there in NYC if I wasn't so broke on my pension ....I had to either live under a bridge or flee to Mexico where I can still afford to live .... after 4 yrs of defending God , Grandma , apple pie and the American flag from the red hordes in the '60's.....love my country , hate my Gov't ( as it stands at the moment ) ...would join you pattoon in a moment and follow you anywhere
    L/cpl Graves
