Thursday, October 20, 2011

Indonesia; Yogyakartans Royal Wedding

The Yogyakarta princess, Gusti Raden Ajeng (GRAj) Nurastuti Wijareni a.k.a Jeng Reni, tied the knot Tuesday October 18, 2011 and everybody was invited to witness the ceremony via the Internet.
Jeng Reni, the youngest daughter of Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, married Achmad Ubaidillah, known affectionately as Yuda, and for the first time ever, a royal wedding was reported realtime through Twitter.
Prior to the wedding, Ubai was knighted and given the name Kanjeng Pangeran Haryo Yudanegara. As for Reni, her new royal title will be Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Bendara.
Javanese royal names can differ depending on the person's current status, whether the person is a man, woman, young adult, or adult, proximity to the Sultan, and so forth.
The wedding updates can be accessed through Twiticker, Tumblr, Twitter via #kratonwedding and #kirab, as well as the official Twitter account @kratonwedding.
Ubai, a Javanese descent born in Jakarta, met Jeng Reni through a mutual a friend. The lovestruck Ubai didn't know at first that the girl he fell in love with was a Javanese princess of one of the oldest royal houses in the archipelago. The couple dated for four years.
Waves of wishes, greetings, and comments were pouring at #kratonwedding and #kirab (author's note: means carnival in Javanese).
arieslukman: This is how people in Yogyakarta loves their Sultan an Family! #kratonwedding
kikoadh: #KratonWedding !!!! Malioboro is so crowded and everyone's sweating. But it was fun
helloikun : Turut berbahagia untuk pernikahan GKR Bendara & KPH Yudanegara semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah dan bahagia #kratonwedding
helloikun: Happy for the marriage of GKR Bendara & KPH Yudanegara. I wish the two of you a serene and happy family.
ferrymbaldan: Luar biasa….lautan manusia yg hadiri kirab dr Kraton ke Kepatihan….DIY: Memang Istimewa dan Harus Tetap Istimewa #kratonwedding
ferrymbaldan: Amazing… A sea of people attending the carnival from the Kraton (author's note: Royal Palace) to the Kesatriyan (the Knights' Ward). Special Region of Yogyakara is truly special and it should remain that way.
Some Twitter users, like Dayu, were disappointed that major TV networks didn't care enough to cover one of the major events of the year.
Kenapa hanya di BChannel? Kemana TV2 keren dan beken lainnya? Ini urusan warisan budaya bangsa lho.. *tetep ga trima*
DayuWijanto: Why only on BChannel? Where are other cool and popular TV stations? This is a matter of the country's cultural heritage. Unacceptable.
Javanese weddings are known for their elaborate processions which could begin days before the nuptial, and last up to seven days. A strict dress code is applied to guests and those who are allowed to enter the ceremony hall.
The Royal Guards. Photo by irwan_f3
Sambutan dari teman teman wartawan peliput #kratonwedding
The photographers in traditional Javanese attires. Photo published by @kratonwedding on Twitpic.
Yogyakartans await Prince Yuda outside of the Knights' Ward. Photo published by Bakpia Pia Djogdja on Lockerz.
GKR Hemas beserta kerabat putri kraton memasuki Kesatriyan untuk siraman KPH Yudanegara
Her Serene Highness GKR Hemas and the relatives arrived at the Knights Ward. Photo by Kraton Wedding on Tumblr.
Presiden RI mengucapkan selamat
Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, the couple and President Yudhoyono. Photo by @kratonwedding on Twitpic.
Bedhaya Sangaskara dancers. Photo by @kratonwedding
Masyarakat mencintai kedua mempelai
Greeting the Yogyakartans from the open carriage. Photo by @kratonwedding published on Twitpic.

The Indonesian state recognizes Yogyakarta as a Special Region in the archipelago with Sultan Hamengkubuono X acting as its governor.
The Yogya Sultan is highly revered by his subjects. Back in 2009, he was nominated as a Presidential Candidate by Golongan Karya (Golkar) party.
Written by Carolina RumuatGlobal Voices

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