Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fighting for Liberty in Dearborn, Michigan

Well over a year ago, the human-rights group American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), of which I am executive director, filed a lawsuit in Michigan against the transit authority, SMART, for the egregious violation of free speech in its banning of our bus ads for Muslims in need of help and resources.
Our "Leaving Islam?" bus campaign was designed for girls like Rifqa Bary and Jessica Mokdad and Noor Almaleki and Amina and Sarah Said, and for any one of the girls in Muslim families whose fathers have threatened them with death for being too "Westernized" or for leaving Islam. Apostasy from Islam is punishable by death under Islamic law, and we are seeing a spike in these horrific murders in the West.
Despite the crying need for resources for Muslims under threat for leaving Islam, the city of Detroit refused to run our freedom campaign on the Dearborn and Detroit buses. Instead, they caved to Islamic supremacism and violated their own ad guidelines of freedom of speech. Muslims of conscience strongly supported the outreach to Muslims. Shariah advocates, Muslim Brotherhood groups and Islamic supremacists did not. Muslim Brotherhood groups in America are free to advertise on buses proselytizing for Islam, but those whose lives are in jeopardy are denied.

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