Saturday, October 15, 2011

China: Uprising 1911

100th anniversary of Wuchang Uprising
Against the background of the global revolutionary climate and Internet-faciltated social unrest, needless to say, modern interpretation of Xinhai Revolution is highly sensitive and political.
The China Media Project looks into the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) representation of the Xinhai Revolution through the mainstream reports on October 10, 2011:
The front page of the People's Daily on October 10, 2011
The front page of the People's Daily on October 10, 2011
We can see the basic Party treatment best by looking at the front page of the Party’s official People’s Daily, where a photo of the standing committee + 1 (former President Jiang Zemin), with Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin right smack in the middle, accompanies a dry report on the commemoration and the full official text of Hu Jintao’s “important speech.”
The Chinese President Hu Jintao's speech on the Xinhai Revolution contains nothing out of the ordinary, but the discussion in the Weibo online forum is more contentious and interesting.
Online discussions
Reporter Wang Wen from Global Times, another party controlled media outlet, talks about the Revolution in a celebratory mood [zh] and foresees that that it will take another 100 years to accomplish its goals:
辛亥革命今日正好100年。有三大目标已实现:一是恢复中华;二是推翻千年帝制;三是器物崛起,包括孙中山曾设想的三峡大 坝青藏铁路等。有三大目标未实现:一是封建意识未断根;二是统一未成;三是宪政艰难。后三者恐怕还需100年。所以,今日仍要讲:“革命尚未成功,同志务 须努力”。
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution. We have accomplished three major goals: firstly, the restoration of the Chinese nation; secondly, the overthrow of the imperial system; thirdly, the development of infrastructure, including the Three Gorges Dams and the Tibetan Railway, as Sun Yatsen had envisioned. We still have three goals to be accomplished: firstly, the eradication of feudal thoughts; secondly, reunification [with Taiwan]; thirdly, the development of constitution rule. The latter three goals will probably take another 100 years. That's why we still have to say, “the revolution is yet to be accomplished, more efforts from our comrades are needed”.
On the other hand, Chinese historian Lei Yi believes that Chinese people should not hold on to the China model and argues [zh] that the Xinhai Revolution signifies the bankruptcy of a political system with Chinese characteristics:
今天是辛亥百年纪念。几千年的帝制被推翻,几千年皇权神授观念终于破灭。这是几千年中国政治制度最强的传统、最大的特色, 认为是神圣不可改变的。当这种几千年的神圣制度、传统、特色都可被推翻,制度层面还有什么特色是必须坚持的呢?我以为,辛亥革命最大的意义就是制度层面中 国特色论的破产。
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution. It has overthrown thousands of years of imperial system and imperial authority endorsed by the heavens. Such a political system was once upheld as the unchangeable foundation of Chinese tradition but was eventually overthrown. Which characteristic of this Chinese political system should we still hold on to? I believe the greatest significance of the Xinhai Revolution is the bankruptcy of the discourse about the political system with Chinese characteristics.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the Republican Revolution and Father of the Chinese Nation. Image from, available in public domain.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the Republican Revolution and Father of the Chinese Nation. Image from, available in public domain.
However, not everyone is in a celebratory mood. Current affairs commentator, Chen Jieren comments in his Weibo [zh]:
大家都在讨论辛亥革命的意义,似乎达成了一个共识:辛亥革命最大的功绩就是推翻了封建专制。可事实真的如此吗?在我看来, 辛亥革命不过是把名义上的皇帝赶下了龙椅,而直到今天,我们依然生活在封建制度中。别说那世袭的高官和毫无民主可言的假选举,光说那既得利益集团的各霸一 块,不是封建是什么?
Everyone is talking about the significance of Xinhai Revolution as if there is a consensus: the greatest achievement of the Revolution was the overthrown of feudal dictatorship. However, is that real? In my opinion, the Xinhai Revolution has just removed the emperor from his dragon chair, but we still live in a feudal system. Let's not mention the high-rank government official ‘princes' and fake democratic elections; the fact that the interest groups have occupied their own territories is very typical of feudal society.
Xiao Gongqin, another historian, argues that the Xinhai Revolution has only brought chaos to China in an interview with [zh] and his commentary has also been widely circulated in Weibo [zh]:
The Xinhai Revolution is not that significant. The Revolution is not as glorious as we have imagined. It marked the beginning of all the chaos in the 20th century. If the Xinhai Revolution had not happened, and the pace of constitutional reform had increased, there was no need to challenge imperial power and society could have progressed steadily.
The conclusion of Xiao's argument can be very conservative, as the CCP has been compared to imperial power among netizens. Nevertheless Editor of Southern Metropolis, Ximen, picks up his “what if” argument and concludes that [zh] all the bloody revolutions of the past 100 years were results of missed opportunities for peaceful transformation:
The Xinhai Revolution was the result of a missed constitutional monarchy reform; a democratic constitution was missed during the establishment of the Republic of China; we missed the development of a two parties political system in the Chongqing Negotiations and missed the development of multiple political party system in setting up the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; in our past one hundred year of history, what we haven't missed is rounds and rounds of bloody revolutions.
Guangdong-based historian Yuan Weishi sums up [zh] the lesson we can learn from the history in a blogpost:
The main historical lesson is that many people have to carry on promoting popular knowledge about modern civilization. It is very heartbreaking that our disasters have been rooted from massive ignorance and the low level of intellectual thought among the social elites. They have too little knowledge about modern society. Even Sun Wen [Sun Yatsen - the founder of the Republic of China] was influenced by the idea of “the emperor is the nation”.
He said that the revolution should be under “one leader with absolute obedience” and that “I am the initiator and practitioner of the Republic that overthrown the authoritarian system. For those who talk about the Republic and Democracy away from my direction, they are standing in my opposition.”
When confronting with all these frightening historical events, for those who really are concerned about the fate of our country, please do not use “tradition” nor “national character” as the pretext to resist the modern civilization from entering China. You can play with Chinese classics: Shangshu, I Ching and the Analects as you like, please do not fool the Chinese people by saying that we have the best computer and constitution!
Written by Oiwan Lam, Global Voices

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