Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brits Also Walk the Wall Street Road to Ruin

As Scandal Engulfs American Legislative Exchange Council's UK Affiliate, a Closer Look at Its US Operation
Lee Fang and Scott Keyes, ThinkProgress: "The Atlantic Bridge, the British affiliate organization to the American Legislative Exchange Council, is quickly erupting into a scandal that may force the public to scrutinize the practices of both right-wing groups. Earlier this month, the U.K.'s Charity Commission shut down Atlantic Bridge after an investigation revealed that the nonprofit has operated as little more than a front for various corporate lobbying and Tory party interests. The scandal has already forced the resignation of David Cameron's Defense Secretary Liam Fox after the revelation that the Atlantic Bridge's London-based director, Adam Werritty, had improperly acted as a high level advisor to Fox while employed by a number of military industry and lobbying clients."

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