Thursday, October 6, 2011

Brazil: Twitter Mobilization Takes Down Pedophile Blog

Following wide mobilization via social media, Brazilian netizens managed to take down a pedophile blog just hours after the first alert was sent on Twitter, on the morning of Monday, October 3, 2011.
The blog in question, called Sim a Pedofilia (Yes to Pedophilia) [pt], was very clear in its call for the sexual abuse of minors. The page had only one post with a video containing explicit images, published on July 15 and had 454 critical comments. Nevertheless, it stayed up for almost three months.
In the state of Alagoas, journalist Marcos Rodrigues, who usually follows social media while his radio show is on air, explains on the blog Jornal do Ócio (Journal of Leisure) [pt] how the situation unfolded:
Screenshot of Twitter action from blog Jornal do Ócio
Screenshot of Twitter action from blog Jornal do Ócio
Hj, enquanto estava no ar com o nosso [programa de rádio] “Jornal do Povo” recebí no twitter uma postagem dando conta da existência de um site de pedofilia. Em meio a tantos protestos de indignação também me revoltei ao ver a única postagem existente.
A cena era chocante. Uma criança estava sendo abusada por um adulto. No blog o autor, desconhecido e covarde, defendia a pedofilia. Cinicamente dizia sim a essa prática nefasta e abominável.
Diante deste fato repugnante não tivemos dúvidas. Acionamos a Polícia Federal e o delegado Políbio Brandão respondeu imediatamente. Depois de orientar no ar como se deveria proceder, poucas horas depois - duas especificamente- o site foi tirado do ar.
Today, while I was on air with our [radio show] “Jornal do Povo” (People's Journal) I received a tweet calling attention to the existence of a pedophile website. Amidst so many demonstrations of anger I also felt furious when I saw the blog's single post.
The scene was shocking. One child was being abused by an adult. On the blog, the unknown and cowardly author defended pedophilia. [He/she] cynically said yes to this despicable and abominable practice.
Given this repugnant fact we had no doubt. We contacted the federal police and the sheriff Políbio Brandão replied immediately. After he gave guidance on air on how to proceed, a few hours later - specifically two - the site was taken down.
Lenilda Luna (@lenildaluna), also a journalist, explains [pt] that any person can report abuse on blogging platforms, such as Blogger:
@lwisster: @CanAlmeida @oscardemelo no próprio blog, em cima, tem “denunciar abuso”. Qto mais pessoas denunciarem, melhor!
@lwisster: @CanAlmeida @oscardemelo on the blog itself, at the top, there is a “report abuse” button. The more people who report it, the better!
Lua Beserra (@LuaBeserra), who uses Twitter to exercize citizenship, celebrates [pt]:
@LuaBeserra: pedofilia na internet? DENUNCIEM!, hoje eu e meus companheiros do twitter tiramos do ar um blog de pedófilos!
@LuaBeserra: pedophilia on the internet? REPORT! today me and my Twitter companions took down a pedophile's blog!
Apparently, it was not the first time that this blog had showed up. Verônica Muzzi (@VeMuzzi) writes [pt]:
@VeMuzzi: Eu não acredito que o filho da puta que criou o blog voltou. Ele ainda não foi preso não ? af.
@VeMuzzi: I can't believe that the son of a bitch who created the blog is back. Hasn't he been arrested yet? af.
Ronaldo Júnior (@RoonaldGomez) states that the action shouldn't end with the blog's deletion:
@RoonaldGomez: Galeeera o Blog foi removido, ISSO É BOM, mas tem um grande problema, eu quero ver o cara É PRESO
@RoonaldGomez: Guys, the blog has been removed. THAT IS GOOD, but there is a big problem, what I want to see is this guy ARRESTED.
Perhaps it is possible, if users get together to investigate the case. The final conclusion [pt] of Marcos Rodrigues, who says he is from the time when people had to go onto the streets to mobilize, is that, united, the users of social networks have a lot of power:
Então, cheguei a conclusão que uma nova forma de cobrar e exigir está em prática. Mais do que nunca, precisamos usar essas ferramentas com mais habilidade. Alguém vai nos ler, nos ouvir e, principalmente, agir.
So I reached the conclusion that a new way of identifying responsibility and demanding action is in practice. More than ever we need to use these tools with more skill. Someone will read us, will hear us, and, most importantly, will act.

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