Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bernice King 99% Movement

MLK’s Daughter: My Father Would Have Supported The 99 Percent Movement

 Speaking at the dedication ceremony for a new monument to her father, the Rev. Bernice King said Martin Luther King Jr. would have been heartened by the Occupy Wall Street protests and larger 99 Percent Movement. “I hear my father saying what we are seeing now all across the streets of America and the world is a freedom explosion,” she said, adding that we should move beyond or conception of King’s work as just about “racial justice” to include “economic justice”:
“We are being pulled from the familiar place and comfort place of “I have a dream” to focus on another aspect of Dr. King’s life. Perhaps,the postponement [of the original dedication] was a divine interuption to remind us of the King that moved us beyond the dream of racial justice to action and work of economic justice.
Perhaps, God wanted to remind us that when our father was taken from us, he was in the midst of starting a poor people’s campaign where he was galvanizing poor people from all walks of life to converge on this nation’s capital and stay here and occupy this place until there was change in the economic system and a better distribution of wealth. [...]
In fact, we told us we must become maladjusted to certain social ills.We should never adjust to the one percent controlling more than 40 percent of the wealth.”

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