Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Russia: World Watches Alexey Navainy's Release

“Everyone's waiting for Navalny ) 5 more minutes!,” tweeted [ru] @varlamov a short while ago, posting a picture of the crowd waiting outside a Moscow prison for activist Alexey Navalny's release. @plushev tweeted [ru]: “Absolutely fantastic numbers. In the middle of the night, some 5,000 people are viewing [the live broadcast] of @navalny's release.” @sidorenko_intl reported that “about [18,000] viewers from around the world” were watching it. Finally, this tweet from @sidorenko_intl: “#Navalny is out. Everyone chants ‘hooray'.” @varlamov posts Navalny's picture; @sidorenko_intl quotes Navalny: “it's great to get into jail in one country, spend there 15 days, and get out in another country.”

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