Friday, December 16, 2011

Building NWO: the UN and the ICC

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 – by Staff Report

ICC Refers To Security Council Chad's Failure To Arrest Sudanese Leader ... The International Criminal Court (ICC) has referred to the United Nations Security Council and the Assembly to States Parties of the Rome Statute Chad's failure to arrest Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted on charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide. The pre-trial chamber I of the ICC said in a statement on Tuesday that Chad failed to cooperate with the Court by not arresting and surrendering Bashir to the Court during his visit to Chad on August 7 and 8. – Real Time Financial News
Dominant Social Theme: Time for "one justice" to be enforced around the world. The ICC and the UN together are capable of righting the wrongs that afflict humanity.
Free-market Analysis: The United Nations is evidently on its way to becoming a fearsome enforcer of global judicial authority. As we can see from the above article, when the International Criminal Court faces a blockage, it now approaches the UN for enforcement of its demands.
The UN has thus turned from an entity supposedly protecting the rights of, say .... children (UNICEF) into one that is backing what must be viewed as a rogue judicial body and supporting its decisions and unilateral determinations.
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