Saturday, December 17, 2011

BBC: "We fake it all the time."

Saturday, December 17, 2011 – by Anthony Wile, The Daily Bell

Anthony Wile
In an interesting and important article reposted at, the BBC is "laid out" with some relish by its private competitor, the Daily Mirror: "BBC: We Fake It All The Time." Now, is this the issue in particular that I want to address? No. But it is a convenient jumping-off point. Here's some of the article:
Sir David Attenborough yesterday defended Frozen Planet's fake polar bear footage – by comparing BBC nature documentaries to movies. His blunt remarks came as more footage from the series was exposed as a sham. In a surprising justification for duping millions of viewers, the TV star argued that owning up to splicing archive film with real Arctic scenes during the programme would have spoiled the mood. ...
To some, the fakery itself may be of interest, as the BBC has been caught out before as regards polar bears. Not so long ago, the BBC used artistic license to pretend that polar bears were being stranded on icebergs due to the global warming when they were not.
To me, the issue is a much larger one, and that's what I want to examine in this article. There is an important point here: The Internet (and even its attached mainstream media such as the Daily News) is making it extremely difficult for the Anglosphere power elite's dominant social themes to catch hold the way they did in the 20th century.
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