Saturday, October 6, 2012

France: Now Bows to Islam

After Hitler and Stalin, France now bows to Islam

Giulio Meotti reports that France has followed up on its complicity with Hitler and Stalin by bowing to Islam.
A new literary case easily explains what's going on in Paris.
“I cannot even go to my office at Gallimard, I must work from home, like Cesare Pavese”, says Richard Millet to me in our interview. We don’t remember interventions of French prime ministers against a book. A few days ago, the Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, said he was “shocked” by the last book written by Millet, the most famous pamphlétaire of Paris.
“The prime minister has not read the book, he made use only of propaganda”, says Millet. His case, l’affaire Millet, as it’s now known in France, reveals how dangerous is to break the taboos on Islam in Europe.
The largest library of Belgium, Filigranes, voluntarily withdrew the copies of Millet’s “Eloge littéraire of Anders Breivik”. No court ordered them to do it. “For the first time in twenty-nine years, the library took a decision like this”, chanted the owner of Filigranes, Marc Filipson.
“They are people always ready to kneel to the dominant ideology”, replies Millet.
Award-winning author of the Académie Françase, Millet was forced to resign from the reading committee of Gallimard, the publishing house that dominated the literature of the XX century, la maison of Proust and Gide, Kundera and Simenon, Camus and Genet, where Millet continues to follow tauthors as editor, but without making any decisions about the books to be published.
Millet discovered some of the winners of the Prix Goncourt, the most noble literary award in France, such as "The Kindly Ones” by Jonathan Littel and “The French art of war” by Alexis Jenni. Not only there, twenty novels and essays written by Millet are present in the famous catalog of Gallimard.
 Read the whole thing. posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 2:54 PM

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