Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quick Fixes, the looming war & lost morality

Sunday, September 30, 2012 – with Anthony Wile

G. Edward Griffin
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with G. Edward Griffin (left).
Introduction: G. Edward Griffin is a film producer, author and political lecturer. He is the founder of Freedom Force International, a libertarian-oriented activist network focused on advancing individual freedom. First released in 1994, Mr. Griffin's best-selling financial book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, is a no-holds-barred look into the inner workings of the Federal Reserve banking system, or cartel if you will. Mr. Griffin's literary contributions are especially noteworthy given the validity of his vision and the exciting and troublesome nature of the times in which we live.
Here's a brief snippet:

Daily Bell: What's going on in America? Homeland Security continues to expand. Where is this increased authoritarianism coming from?
G. Edward Griffin: Boy, these are hard questions but they are good questions and they are the questions that nobody wants to ask because they don't want to hear the answer. Nobody wants to hear that there is no quick fix. Everybody wants to say, "What are you going to do about it?" and that means what are you going to do about it before November and the elections. Then that boils down to who are you going to vote for? They think if you check the right box, choose the right candidate or choose the right political party that everything is okay.
Well, our problems are much deeper than that and therefore the solutions are much more complex than that. I don't think that the solutions to the problems, at least right here in the United States, have anything to do with voting for the right candidate because the major candidates, as I said before, both represent essentially the same thing so that is not an option. You cannot vote your way out of this mess we are in because you don't have that option on the ballot box.
So what is the solution then? Well, you've got to make sure in the next election, or the one after that, that we do have some options. Now, that's a long-range process. People have to get up off their couches and out where the masses are. They have to do some education, they have to do some activism, they have to run for office and they have to replace those collectivists that are in positions of power so that the next time the election rolls around you will have some options. That, nobody one wants to hear, because it represents a lot of work, a lot of time and a lot of personal sacrifice.
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