Sunday, September 23, 2012

Portugal: Massive Protests against Austerity

Since the period that followed the end of dictatorship in Portugal in 1974, there hasn't been such wide participation in a protest [en] as September 15's massive anti-austerity mobilization ‘Screw the troika! We want our lives‘ (Que se lixe a troika! Queremos as nossas vidas) [en].
Between 660,000 and 1 million people of all ages took to the streets in more than 40 cities throughout the country and abroad, booing the government, the troika [of inspectors from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund], the inequity, the growing unemployment and impoverishment and the lack of justice and opportunities for all.
Social networks have been abuzz, with the hashtags #15sPT and #QueSeLixeATroika still being used on Twitter. The blog O que diz a rua (What the street says) gathers a vast set of crowdsourced photos and videos of the protests that are used to illustrate this post.

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