Sunday, June 10, 2012

Big brother Intel will soon be watching you

Notice the highlighted quote below. What they don't mention of course is that they will hand over all their data to the NSA and CIA.
According to sources cited in a Reuters report, Intel is getting into the TV business, because hey, so is everybody else these days. Despite television being a rather tough nut to crack, Intel is apparently hoping that its set-top box and subscription service will be its golden ticket to delivering more Intel processors to the living room.
Simply put, the service would be a sort of specialized virtual cable subscription that would combine a bundle of channels with on demand content. So what’s Intel’s killer feature that distinguishes it from the vast and powerful competition? Granular ratings that result in targeted ads.
It’s no surprise that Nielsen’s rating system is considered obsolete by many; the company gathers feedback from a comparatively small percentage of homes and extrapolates the numbers, but at a time when there are hundreds upon hundreds of channels and dozens of other means of viewing content to choose from, that tactic is far less effective than when there were just three networks to choose from.
Intel is promising technology in a set-top box that can, “can distinguish who is watching, potentially allowing Intel to target advertising”. The technology could potentially identify if the viewer is an adult or a child, male or female, and so on, through interactive features and face recognition technology.
OzHouse | June 10, 2012 at 6:25 pm | Tags: big brother, corporatocracy, orwellian, spying, technology | Categories: 1984 / BNW | URL:

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