Sunday, June 10, 2012

Australia: Nanny state leaps forward

First it was managing welfare payments to Aboriginals. Now, like all government programs that get their foot in the door, it is expanding. They have allocated (wasted) $117M so far. You can bet the shirt off your backtThe end goal will be everyone on welfare can only go to government approved shops with their government card. Sounds like communist heaven to me. The great Australian nanny state just took another leap forward. Total bliss is just one more program away,
They claim it is to stop people buying booze and porn? Only an idiot buys porn, the internet is 75% free porn! As for booze? People will circumvent the program. They will get a friend with cash to pay for booze and reimburse the friend with the card. The government likes to give you theater and the false impression they are solving problems. But in reality it is their system that causes huge problems which then gives the government the opportunity to offer pathetic band-aid solutions that do not address the actual root cause of the problems and were never intended to do so.
God help us all.
UP TO 1000 northern suburbs residents will have their Centrelink income controlled by the government to stop them spending money on alcohol, tobacco, pornography and gambling.
People residents who volunteer or are referred by a social worker will have 50 per cent of their payments managed to ensure they are spent on essentials like housing, clothes and utilities, from July 1, the News Review Messenger reports.
People referred by state child protection authorities will have 70 per cent of their income support and family assistance payments managed.
The controls will be compulsory for Playford Council’s most vulnerable people, but it is unclear exactly who will be forced into the program.
OzHouse | June 10, 2012 at 8:22 am | Tags: Australia, communism, nanny state, welfare | Categories: Australia | URL:

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