Monday, February 27, 2012

Transvaginal in Pennsylvania

keep ending up with the same two questions: who's going to pay for this? It seems that since the state won't pay, the docs won't do it for free, and insurance won't pay since it's not medically necessary, women have to pay to be raped. 
My bigger question though, is why do the Republicans want MORE government action in medicine? Their argument against the Affordable Health Care Act was that it put government between a patient and doctor. They seemingly want government out of every single aspect of people's lives except when it involves shoving an ultrasound probe up a woman's vagina. 
But there's more, and it's on a national scale. Remember the Violence Against Women Act which came out of Joe Biden's office in 1994? The one that authorized funds related to domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking? It's up for re-authorization and Republicans are opposed. Yes, Republicans like violence against women. Yes, it does slightly expand:- Philly Jewish News

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