Sunday, April 15, 2012

Don't Pay Taxes; Come to Pittsburgh

Dear MoveOn member,
You've heard it by now: Warren Buffett's secretary pays a HIGHER tax rate than he does.1  
It's not right—Buffett says so himself.2 
Tax Day is on Tuesday, and progressives have a unique chance to amplify a simple message—"Tax the 1%"—through hundreds of coordinated protests across the nation. Taxing billionaires and companies like GE and Wells Fargo their fair share has to be a big issue in the fall election if we're going to see change—and this is the day of the year when the media is most likely to cover the story of our unfair tax system. 
So MoveOn and dozens of allies have organized more than 200 bold, highly visible "Tax the 1%" protests to express our outrage that the super-rich and tax-dodging corporations are paying less in taxes than the rest of us. There's a Tax Day protest on Tuesday in Pittsburgh at 12:00 PM.

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